Chicago Locations

    July 27, 2024

Why should I register with Chicago Locations?

There are many reasons individuals may decide to market their property to the movie-making industry. It could be a source of substantial income, an exciting opportunity to play a part in the making of a movie or commercial, or simply the pride and joy of seeing your home or property on screen.

Do you find your property or even a room in your house unique or visually interesting in some way? Perhaps it has a "period" look to it, maybe a 1920's feel or even ultra-modern. Can you picture your kitchen, living room or backyard as the perfect backdrop for a movie? Did you help build your home from scratch and now it's finished and it’s time to show it off? Maybe your property is a warehouse, a home or piece of land that you own that is not currently in use and you're exploring different ways to net an income. Well, if any of the above mentioned apply to you, then you have just one more important factor to consider: "Do you feel comfortable sharing this property with a group of people for a day or more in order to use it in a film or commercial? If your answer is "yes", then you just may find yourself involved in the movie-making business with your home or property as the setting for the next blockbuster film!

How are locations selected?

Many people are surprised to discover how important locations are in film making. Oftentimes the location itself can be critical to building the character of the actors. So, it isn't uncommon for a Director to study various photos for as many ten locations for a single scene! Now, just think about how many locations exist in a movie and this should give you a good idea just how much consideration and hard work is actually put into finding that perfect location.

It all starts with the Producer or Production Manager hiring a Location Scout and discussing in detail the vision the Director is trying to capture. The scout becomes one of the first people to enter into the mind and creativity of the Director and Production Designer.

Then the scouting begins. A scout will search for hours each day looking for that one location that most perfectly matches the vision of the Director. The scout will make phone calls and arrange meetings, distribute leaflets on streets that have homes or properties that look promising, and they have even been known to go knocking door to door. After many photos are taken of the locations, the photos are shown to the Director to review. He will critique the locations and either picks a few options or send the scout back out with an enhanced vision of what they want to find.

If they send the scout back out, then the search continues. But if they make a selection, then the next phase begins; and this is where you come in. The scout will contact the property owner for a walk through with the Director, and if his final decision is to use the property, we will discuss the next steps in securing the location, such as scheduling dates and times, and discussing expectations and confirming compensation for the use of your property.

Why should I register my property with Chicago Locations?

With almost three decades of experience in the film business, Location Consultants offers some of the most productive and successful resource of location scouts in the industry. We have a mission of maintaining a strong sense of integrity, honesty, and full disclosure between parties as we work as a liaison between property owner and production company.

Depending on the size of the crew and needs of the Production Company, the process can be very intense and shoot days can be quite long. Good communication and thorough preparation between all parties are critical to making the experience enjoyable for everyone. The benefits for you can be endless as you enjoy the behind-the scenes experience of the film making process and earn income from the opportunity as well.

No longer will you have to rely on the hope that one day a location scout will be driving down your street and will start knocking at your door. By posting your property on Location Consultants website, you will significantly increase the potential that your property will be selected.

Is Chicago Locations just for houses?

No, any property has GREAT potential, even antique vehicles and unique props can also be registered.

How much does it cost to register with Chicago Locations?

NOTHING. Registering your Property is FREE & EASY. Simply fill out the Registration Form. We would strongly suggest that you use the photograph upload feature on this site after you register. Until we know what your property visually looks like, it is hard to recommend it to a filmmaker.

Can I register if I live in an Apartment, Condo, Co-Op or Other Communal Situation?

Yes, however, prior to registering your property, please make sure you have permission from your landlord, Condo Association and neighbors.

What happens after my location is chosen?

Chicago Locations takes care of ALL the documents as we are here to help you.

Generally, the Producer signs Chicago Location’s “Location Rental Contract” that clearly details the Location Rental Fee, shooting times and dates along with any other specific requests or requirements. Then, after the “Location Rental Contract” is signed, Chicago Locations will receive a “Certificate of Insurance” from the Producer / Production Company that names the Property Owner as “Additional Insured” and “Loss Payee”.

When is the Location Rental Fee paid?

Chicago Locations “Location Rental Contract” specifies that the Producer pay the FULL “Location Rental Fee” on the FIRST day of shooting.

Prior to shooting, is there anything that the Property Owner needs to do?

No, other than making sure that your property is clean and tidy (unless specified otherwise), there is NOTHING that a Property Owner needs to do.

Will my property be protected?

Yes, other than normal wear and tear all of your property is insured against any damage by the Producer. Additionally, Producers will install temporary floor, wall and other protection systems. If you require any “special protection” just let Chicago Locations know so that your requirement will be property communicated to the Producer and included in the “Location Rental Contract”.

Will they move around my furniture and other belongings?

Yes, you can expect your furniture and other belongings moved somewhat throughout your location, especially to protect while moving shoot equipment around your location. However, although personal photos will be moved so not in any shot, expect furniture to be used as props within a shoot. These are the features that attracted the client to your space versus working on a stage. When the shoot is over, all your furniture and belongings will be put back into their original location.

Do I need to be present during the shoot?

No, you do not have to be present for the entire shoot if you choose. However, you (or a representative) needs to be available at the start and end of the shoot for a “walk through” to make sure everything was properly put back in place.

What if there is some damage?

Although it is very rare for any damage to occur, if there is any damage, do NOT attempt to fix it and IMMEDIATELY contact Chicago Locations.

Chicago Locations will request that you provide photos and a description of the damage prior to contacting the Producer and / or their insurance company to have the proper and necessary repairs made.

After the shoot, there is a time limit of 48 hours to notify the Producer of any damage. For that reason, Chicago Locations recommends that Property Owners do a “walk through” of the property with Producer personnel as soon as the shoot is complete to make sure that there are no issues that need to be addressed.

What if I redecorate or paint my location after I register?

Simply update your photos as Chicago Locations’ clients rely on the location portfolios to make initial choices.

What if someone other than Chicago Locations wants to rent my property?

Clients may come to you directly wishing to rent your space without contacting or coordinating through Chicago Locations. Although Property Owners are able to rent to whomever they wish, doing so may forfeit your rights to participate further with Chicago Locations.


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